How Magnolia River’s experienced team of GIS experts can help efficiently reduce your GIS as-built backlogs and maximize data quality
GIS has become a mission-critical tool for asset management within a utility. At the core of any compliant GIS and Asset Management System is the data and ensuring the integrity of the data. Now more than ever, data entry, management, and confidence play a large role in how utility organizations make decisions, plan budgets, and manage their system. Utilities are faced with a growing data problem, backlogs of information that have not been entered into digital systems of record, maintaining data integrity, and accurate representation in GIS. Additional challenges are faced in relation to incomplete records from historic documents such as as-builts, tap cards, and compliance records.
Magnolia River’s GIS division has the experience to help transform your organization’s data into a verified and accurate digital record of linear assets. Some areas where our expertise can help include:
· Digital conversion and scanning needs
· Historic data review and gap analysis
· GIS as-built conversion/digitization
· Tap card entry
· Implementation of Standard QA/QC processes and workflows
· Database management/administration
· Enterprise GIS administration
· GIS strategic planning
Magnolia River understands that all utilities experience personnel shortages, knowledge gaps, and time restraints, and therefore need assistance on occasion to meet strategic goals and maintain compliance. Let us do the work for you! With our team of 30+ data entry and GIS technicians, we can help you eliminate GIS data backlogs and maintain efficient GIS data production while preserving data integrity though our proven GIS data production workflows and processes.
Accurate data is the foundation for any decision-making process. At Magnolia River, we pride ourselves on the quality of data we provide our clients for their projects. Our GIS team has processed several million physical articles of information and digital features in the natural gas, water, wastewater, and electric utility space. With tested and proven quality assurance standards and practices, the GIS team proudly holds themselves to a 3% or less margin of error in deliverables to clients. Our efficiency and quality of work has often led to providing our clients with long-term GIS resources and services to maintain GIS data production for their system.