Learn How Magnolia River Can Help You Prepare for the Next Big Data Migration
For more than 20 years, Magnolia River has been supporting our utility clients’ corporate goals to innovate, leverage technology and improve operational performance by implementing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for location-based asset data. GIS data catalogs that are accessible, easy-to-use, and well curated, are an indicator of organizational data health.
A client enlisted Magnolia River to help inventory their current GIS data catalogs, then provide and execute a GIS data improvement plan to prepare for a major data migration. The plan to improve current information system(s) that captures asset locations and characteristics includes the integration of multi-site asset data.
Magnolia River developed a suite of automated database analysis and reporting solutions to help our clients understand the content and quality of their GIS data at a given point in time. This suite of tools produces an inventory of the GIS database schema (organization) and feature objects by name, classification, and quantity along with information on attribute fields, pick list values, and field domain usage. Following the inventory, a series of meetings were conducted with the client to identify the source documents available for the originating asset data. Ultimately, the inventory and source documents are enumerated in a report that provides our clients with actionable information to correct identified issues and extend the working set of geographic information.
Properly implemented and routinely maintained, business operations can rely upon a GIS to quickly identify asset locations, report on asset states, organize efficient routine maintenance efforts, and view customers affected by planned or unplanned events. Let Magnolia River help you with data improvement plans to get company GIS to a fully usable and trusted system of information for customer service line information.